Saturday, September 20, 2008

9/20/08 Sat: Vacation Ahoy!

Current Mood: OVERWHELMED!

WOW there is so much to pack when you have a little man! Between diapers and essentials...EEK! Mommy took a pic of the you think we have enough? I HOPE! Jayden is in between sizes so we packed two sizes worth!

We are going to the mountains for a week and the nearest store is over an hour away and who knows if they have diapers! (baby is LUCKY because when Mommy used to take vacations with the family when she was a little girl the nearest store was about a 2 hour drive!!!!! And it had SQUAT! LOL!) We may have to resort to leaves and twigs! Or maybe we'll just throw Jayden in Pine Creek and wash him off every two hours! Mommy and Daddy have been feverishly packing all day long and look at little man.....just sleeping away the time!
Must be nice!!!!!!!!!! He's all relaxed while Mommy is in a panic hoping she has everything known to man kind that he may need! I'm sure we'll have LOTS of fun pics to post when we get back! We are leaving bright and early Sunday morning..........and Mommy is sure Jayden will keep us on a schedule! Mommy will try to post pics when we get back! Tonight is MOMMY TIME with Jayden! OH YEAH! Mommy gets Jayden all to herself for feedings and cuddles because Daddy is driving tomorrow the 4+ hours it takes to get to the mountains and needs his sleep tonight. THAT IS FINE WITH MOMMY! This is one of the last nights Mommy gets baby boy to herself before she goes back to (ARF) work!!!!!!!!!!!! See you in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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