Thursday, May 29, 2008

5/27/08 Tue: Bi-Weekly Checkup

Current Mood: Tired

Everything is looking good so far.  Mommy hasn't gained weight, but baby is measuring right on schedule.  Heartbeat was on the low side because baby was sleeping, and for the first time ever he didn't fight or kick at the doctor!  Baby was probably asleep because Mommy had a HORRIBLE time with cramps and pain last night.  Mommy was up nearly all night, along with baby happily kicking and punching away.  Mommy imagined a little old lady in a basement apartment, poking up at the ceiling of her upstairs neighbors yelling at them to quiet down!  LOL!

5/18/08 Sun: Baby's first concert!

Current mood: Excited

TONIGHT baby got to hear his first concert ever! And it was none other than the ORIGINAL.......


The concert had been moved THREE TIMES. Originally we were supposed to see it in MARCH but they moved it to tonight. We had a blast and the baby was dancing quite often!  Hope he enjoyed it as much as Mommy and Daddy did!

5/17/08 Sat: Pub Walk

Current mood: Chipper

Well today was the annual beer walk and Mommy was designated walker! Baby enjoyed himself very much. He got lots of love, rubs and hugs from all of Mommy and Daddy's friends! Everyone was so excited for us and can't wait to meet the little man.

Mommy made a special shirt for the It's got Daddy's face in there....he he.

It was great seeing all our friends again......I couldn't have missed out on that! Glad baby cooperated and I could spend a fun day with friends!

Here's Mommy in the shirt!

5/11/08 Sun: Mother's Day

Current mood: Blessed, VERY blessed (:

Today was the first day ever that Mommie/Daddie felt.....HICCUPS! Well, I know what you had Martin's Potato Chips with some Bacon Horseradish dip. Mmmmmm. And you must have liked them because you didn't give Mommy HEARTBURN as usual! WOO HOO!!!!!! Mommy never gets to snack after dinner anymore! Sorry for the hiccups little man...he he. Next time I'll warn you what's coming down the pipe!


Also Mommy wants to thank you and your furry brother (DUCE) for the LOVELY Mother's Day gift that made Mommy CRY! Came home to find the huge beautiful yellow rose bush and card with both of your pictures attached. What a wonderful gift, and something you will watch grow as the years go on, just like we will watch YOU grow!

Thank you my sweethearts!


Current mood: Accomplished


Final class was today!

Today we learned about what happens to Mom, Dad and baby once baby has finally made his/her GRAND APPEARANCE! We also learned about breast feeding (WOW lots I didn't know!) So much so, that we signed up for the breast feeding class in July! (Never knew breast milk could safely be left out in room temp for 10 hours and still be good!) What is that stuff made out of, STEEL?! WOW!

We also signed up for a newborn care class to make sure all our bases are covered! Want to make sure BABY IS BLISSFUL! LOL!

5/1/08 Thur: Childbirth Class

Current mood: Disgusted!!

Today's class was very sad and scary. We learned about labor complications but also about shaken baby syndrome. VERY scary stuff. Watched a video about it also and it was so sad to see what can happen so fast. The really sad part about it is 2 of the 4 families in the video had to deal with this ugly reality because of the people taking care of their children while they were trying to earn a living. One was a family member, one a daycare employee. I can't even imagine.....sigh.

4/24/08 Thur: Class Again Today

Current mood: Stressed!

**shudder** Today we learned about C-Sections. BLAH! PRAYING one isn't needed. I nearly passed out on that one...he he. Also learned everything there is to know about DRUGS!

4/17/08 Thur: Childbirth Class

Current mood: calm

Today we watched a video of a natural childbirth and got to pass around some of the things that they will be using in the room during delivery. Some of the things were...ahem.....just a little scary!

We also learned to breath and time ourselves through contractions. Mommy is HOPING she can try this without meds! She has a great coach, so it should be a snap right?!

Next week is 28 weeks!!!!!!!!

4/15/08 Tue: Monthly Checkup

Current Mood: Thankful

Everything is measuring right on schedule but she told me I'm due July So who knows...I guess I'll go sometime that week!

I FINALLY gained 4 pounds, which she was very happy about because I'm where I should be right now but not to gain more than a pound a week from here on out. So I'm going to slow down on the ice cream She said also because I'm so tall that I have more space to fill out and that's why I'm not bigger looking, but my weight is now right where it should be and my uterus is measuring right on time.

Baby's heartbeat is 130-140 and she asked if we knew the sex yet and I said boy and she said YUP, that's a boy! He was flipping around as usual and not cooperating. Every time she tried to get the heartbeat he'd kick her and move.

I also have to get that glucose test and the last round of blood work the week of the 28th. Joy. Oh......and my next appt is the last once/a/month one.....after that one I'm far enough along that she wants to start seeing me every two weeks!!!!!! Time is flying!

4/3/08 Thur: 1st Childbirth Class!

Current Mood: Anxious

Well today we got to go to our first childbirth class. That was fun but also a little scary. It is really real now! Our instructor was a sweetie and very informative. She went over the different stations of dilation, labor, delivery, what to expect and we also learned some common termanology.

Hubby was picking on me because I was the smallest one there. Everyone there was in week 30 or more except me and another woman. Of course she was only one week farther than me and she was bigger. Oh well, our baby is healthy and happy....and I have no problem with delivering a smaller baby in the end (:

At the end of the class we got our first tour of the birthing center and what our birthing room will look like. It was a huge room with a flat screen tv, (Hubby LOVED), stereo system, fridge, sleeper sofa for Daddy to spend the nights with Mom/Baby, rocking chair, dining table and chairs and even light dimmers! Everything will take place in the one room and we will stay in that room until we are released.

The bed was kinda scary though! The thing did everything but have the baby for you! LOL! Hubby got a kick out of the "squat bar". I won’t even go into that...lolol.

Sadly no babies were in the nursery but they told us they believe the babies should stay in the rooms as much as possible with the Mother and Father to bond. We did see one woman coming in that was ready to deliver and she looked quite We also so the doctors rushing in for a c-section so that was exciting.

Overall we are very happy with the hospital and staff and are eager for that time to come for us! I can’t wait! I’m so excited, and so is Daddy!!!!!!

3/30/08 Sun: Belly Pictures!

Current Mood: Content, even with Acid Reflux!

Well I’ve been asked to take this pic and post it so here it is. Baby has been making Mommy very sick and she’s consistantly lost weight at every doctor there hasn’t been much of a bump. But at week 21 one started and tomorrow starts week 24 so here it is!!!!!

HA HA! No, that’s not Mommy, that’s DADDY! (Mommy doesn’t have quite as much belly hair...SMILE!) Daddy is gaining sympathy weight, LOL. HERE is Mommy.....

Mommy would have a bigger tummy if Baby S. didn't make her so sick (:

3/28/08 Fri: Awesome....

Current Mood: Warm

This was posted on one of the message boards that was such a support when we went through our loss and medical issues last year. It still makes me cry to read it...but it’s too beautiful and true to not share it.

I will be a wonderful mother...

There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss, and though they most are good mothers and love their children - I know that I will be better. 

I will be better not because of genetics or money, or that I have read more books, but because I have struggled and toiled for this child, I have longed and waited, I have cried and prayed, I have endured and planned over and over again. 

Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to obtain their dreams, I will notice everything about my child, I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover, I will marvel at this miracle every day for the rest of my life. 

Though I may seem annoyed sometimes, deep down I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child crying, knowing I can comfort, hold and feed them, and that I am not waiting to take another temperature, pop another pill, take another shot, take another test or cry tears of a broken dream, My dream will be crying for me. 

I count myself lucky in this sense, that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child, that my friends will not see and most will never know. 

I will not be careless with my love. 

I will be a better mother for all that I have endured, I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain. 

I know disillusionment and I have been betrayed by my own body, I have been tried by fire and a hell many never face, yet given time, I stood tall. 

I have prevailed, I have succeeded, and I have WON. 

So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort, I see it, mourn it and join them in theirs. 

I listen. I comfort. I support.

And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely, I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine, or other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth, and when life is beyond hard, I have learned a compassion that only comes from walking in those shoes. 

I have learned to greatly appreciate life. 

Yes, I will be a wonderful mother.

3/21/08 Fri: Daddy felt his first kick!

Current Mood: Estatic!

This evening the baby was very active around 10 pm, so we were hoping to get Dad in on the action.  He put his hand on Mom's belly and after about 5 minutes he got a WOOTAHHHH kick from the baby!  Then he must have bored the poor kid because he wetn right to  But it's now official, the first kick has been felt (well other than the ones MOMMY feels each and every day while baby is in there doing gymnastics!)

I'm assuming Daddy was very excited because the next day he went to Babies R Us to pick out a pair of booties and came back with an entire bag full of Philadelphia Eagles outfits, complete with little Philly Eagle's sneakers!

3/18/08 Tue: Monthly Checkup

Current Mood: Confident

Got to visit the doctor today and Mommy lost some weight AGAIN because some naughty little man is keeping her sick quite often, but baby is getting everything he needs and is measuring right where he should.  His heartbeat was 150 bpm and as the doctor was trying to get his heartbeat he kept kicking the device!  She got to see Mommy's stomach move from the karate kick action, but mommy missed it....argh.

All looks great and we have another appt. in April.  Hope the little one lets Mommy eat a little more so she can gain some weight!

3/15/08 Sat: Nursery pics!

Current Mood: Accomplished

Well here are before and after pics of the nursery.  It's our spare room in the house, which until now had been used for extra storage.  It was a lovely (being sarcastic) wood grain panel plastered all over badly neglected walls.  also the ceiling was in bad shape so the previous owners put up a drop ceiling to cover it up.  It was the only room in the house that we didn't redo, so it needed a lot of work.  Hubby ripped out the ceiling and tore a lot of the bad plaster down.  What a mess!  Here are the pics during construction...

Here are pics of the finished product.  Obviously we have more things to get but this is the progress so far.  We didn't know if we were having a boy or girl at the time so we did it in carousel horses which have lots of pinks, blues, yellows and greens.  We will obviously change the decor when they get a little older.  The wall color doesn't show up well in the pics but it's a very pretty shade of light blue.  Oh and hubby already has a stock of Philly Eagle's stuff for our son.  Check out the Swoop mobile (Eagle's mascot)

Daddy did a GREAT job, don't you think!?!??!

3/4/08 Tue: 20 Week Ultrasound

Current Mood: Thankful!

We got quite a show at the ultrasound.  Baby was super spastic and the doctor asked mommy what she ate before she came!  That's scary!  Guess we'll have to join the gym after baby is born so we can keep up!
We got to see all the major organs, the spine, all the bones of the legs and arms and especially the hands and feet.

Baby kept putting hands in the way of the profile shot, but the doctor finally got it.

Baby's favorite pose was this one....

Guess baby was trying to see what the heck was going on!
Then we finally got to see....that our baby was indeed a BOY!  He tried to hide it by humping around and out of the way of the ultrasound, but we got to see a couple of shots of it...ha ha ha!

1/16/18 Wed: Heard the heartbeat

Current mood: Blessed

Today was the 2nd doctor appt and she said mommy and baby are both doing very well.  Well, other than the major sickness that baby is creating for mommy!  

Also mommy got to hear the heartbeat today and it was 125-130 bpm.  The doctor said the heartbeat was very strong and she seemed pleased.  can't wait to see the baby again in 4-6 weeks at the ultrasound!  We also get to find out what sex the baby is!

12/25/07 Tue: Told my family today!

Current mood: Estatic!

Christmas day and the other half of the family now knows.  As they opened their picture Grandmother yelled and immediately started crying.  Grandfather jumped up and down and yelled YES!  Everyone was very emotional and happy abou tthe news and it made for a very special holiday!

Baby's Great Grandparents stopped in for dessert and were told teh news and also got very emotional and helped us celebrate with a ton of fattening desserts!

Auntie K and Cousin C were also there and very happy!

12/24/07 Mon: Told hubby's family today!

Current mood: Estatic!

First we stopped off at baby's Great Grandmother's home and told her the news.  She was estatic and said she'd keep us all in her prayers, and knew all would go perfectly well.

When baby's Grandmother/Grandfather opened the picture, at first they were concentrating on the frame and didn't even notice the picture!  Baby's Grandfather jumped up and gave us the biggest bear hug and was very happy/excited.  then once Grandmother figured out what the picture was, she smiled and expressed her happiness.

12/18/07 Tue: Getting ready to share the news!

Current mood: Excited!

We went to the store today and bought two baby picture frames, one for each side of the family.  They were a neutral shade of salmon and had a little silver rattle charm hanging in the left hand corner.  We are going to put a picture of the baby's ultrasound in there and wrap it up as gifts to give on Christmas.  

We are visiting with one side of the family on the eve, and the other on Christmas day.  Can't wait!  It's hard keeping a secret like this for long, especially from family!

12/17/07 Mon: 6 Week Ultrasound

Current Mood: Relief

First ultrasound!  We were both nervous but found a flutter on the monitor and were very happy to find out the "flutter" was a heartbeat!  So far everything is going very well, so we decided we're going to tell the family about the baby for Christmas!  Can't wait to see how excited everyone will be!

11/23/07 - Fri: Found out we were expecting!

Current Mood: SHOCK

For 4 days I took home pregnancy tests and each one the pink lines got darker and darker!  I was so excited that the day had finally come!

I told "Daddy" by giving him this picture....

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