Thursday, April 30, 2009

4/27/09 Mon: MORE TEETH!

Current Mood: TOOTHY

Today Mommy noticed MORE teeth coming in! Now Jayden has two teeth coming in on top directly above the two in his lower gums. Pretty soon we'll be taking lots of pics of toothy grins! Jayden is growing so fast....Mommy wants to keep her little man little for a while longer.

*Mommy updated the blog today so look at the past 7 entries for more pics and stories!

4/26/09 Sun: 1st Time in Pool

Current Mood: Refreshed
This weekend we had quite the heat wave in PA, so Grammy and Grampy invited all of us over to their house for a cookout and pool day. This was Jayden's first dip into a pool and he absolutely loved it. Jayden was playing with Chance in the pool for nearly an hour, and managed to splash everyone within a few feet of him.
Later Jayden laid in the shade on a blanket with some toys and just relaxed the hot day away.

4/24/09 Fri: Static Head & 1st Library Card!

Current Mood: ELECTRIC...BZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz
Today was our weekly visit to a park and Jayden had a blast on the slide. Only problem is, there was a TINY bit of static going on that day. You can clearly see in these photos that Jayden doesn't have a problem with it, ha ha.

Mommy also forgot to announce that as of Thursday, Jayden has his first official library card! Mommy hopes to teach Jayden how to read so he can take many great adventures through books just like Mommy does! (That is, when she has TIME, he he!)

4/22/09 Wed: PASSED OUT

Current Mood: ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Mommy had to sneak this cute picture of Jayden. Wow, that was some mighty strong juice Jayden finished off his dinner with today! Mommy loves the death grip on the spoon, despite the obvious snoozing going on.

Later Jayden was once again ready for action, as you can see in the next photo where he's desperately trying to give Mommy a ball.

4/17/09 Thurs: Longs Park

Current Mood: HAPPY
Today was so beautiful out, we all decided to go to Long's Park for the afternoon. While Chance and Auntie K played at the playground, Grammy, Mommy and Jayden went walking around the pond. Mommy loves the picture of Jayden trying to touch the duck from his stroller. Yes, we were THAT CLOSE to him!
Jayden also loved the swings. They were just a tad too big for him, but he didn't mind.

4/15/09 Wed: New Tooth & Piano

Current Mood: Accomplished

Today Mommy tried to take a picture of the two teeth residing in Jayden's little gums. Of course Jayden wanted nothing to do with it, as you can see by his displeased look. But all was OK in the world of Jayden after Mommy made up with him through snuggles and kisses. To show appreciation, Jayden played Mommy a tune on his piano. (Thanks Rebecca for letting us borrow the piano!)

4/14/09 Tue: EAGLES PIC

Current Mood: Embarassed, he he.

Today it was rainy and nasty outside so Mommy decided to have a photo session with Jayden!

Though some day Jayden will probably HAVE A FIT about this picture, Mommy always wanted to take it for the adorable factor!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4/12/09 Sun: EASTER

Current Mood: Joyful

It's Easter! Today was spent with family, as we started off the day with an Easter egg hunt in Grammy's back yard! (We took video so there are no pics to share ): )The Easter bunny had left Jayden an Easter basket full of little goodies too! Jayden had a blast with the hunt and hanging out with family. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!

4/11/09 Sat: First Easter Egg Hunt!

Current Mood: Accomplished

Today at 4pm our local fire station held a free Easter egg hunt complete with the Easter bunny! Mommy and Daddy were not sure how Jayden would do, but he surprised us both! Mommy assisted Jayden by holding him up because he's still not able to stand/walk on his own. He stepped right on over to the eggs and bent over himself to pick them up! Then when Mommy would show him the basket, he would drop them right in! He ended up grabbing 6 eggs! Inside the eggs were treats that Mommy and Daddy had to split, but TWO of the eggs had prize tickets inside! We turned them in at the counter and Jayden got 4 boats for bath time and a plastic dinosaur! He was thrilled! Then we got the Easter bunny to hold Jayden for a photo op!
Jayden also got his picture taken on the fire truck! HOW EXCITING!

Later that evening all three of us stopped in to visit family at Great Grandma's house. Daddy thought he forgot the camera so we didn't get to take any picture, but then as we were leaving Daddy realized the camera was in his coat pocket!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

4/11/09 Sat: 2nd tooth!

Current Mood: HAPPY
ANNOUNCING the arrival of Jayden's second tooth! It's JUST starting to come out right next door on the right to the first one! Mommy is going to try to get a picture of Jayden's teeth, but he has to cooperate first. For some reason he's shy about showing them when the camera is on!

4/10/09 Fri: Easter Card

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4/9/09 Thurs: FIRST WORD!!!!


And guess what it is?! Drumroll please........

MUM MUM MUM MUM! HA HA! YES! Even though Daddy has invested HOURS upon HOURS trying to make EAGLES the first word, unfortunately for him Jayden's first word was MUM!

Mommy is surprised because everyone said Jayden's first word would more than likely be Dadadadad, but Mommy is sure that if Eagle's isn't the next word, it will be Dad (:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

4/1/09 Wed: Outting to Park City

Current Mood: HAPPY

Today Chance, Grammy, Mommy and Jayden went to Park City to their free play area. As you can see both of the kids had a blast. Jayden got his on his first official ride today! He rode in a car while Chance drove. Mommy can't tell if that's a happy or scared look on Jayden's face! He did manage to laugh at one point, but obviously never when Mommy was trying to take the picture!

3/31/09 Tues: Sleeping little man

Current Mood: Exhausted
Of course Mommy has to take yet another photo of her little man sleeping. He always looks so peaceful that it's hard for Mommy to resist!
Grammy thinks he looks like a little man with his little hands all crossed. Grammy is Jayden's most favorite pillow!

3/27/19 Fri: Strong legs

Current Mood: Accomplished
Jayden is now able to stand with little assistance. Well, as long as he's got a good grip on something nearby! Here you see one of his favorite things to do.....stand and look into his toy box to see what he's going to play with next!
He's still not crawling, but we're working on it!

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