Thursday, October 30, 2008

10/30/08 Thurs: Another first!

Current Mood: RESTED

Mommy and Daddy are excited about THIS milestone!  Jayden slept most of the night tonight!  For the first time, Jayden slept for 5 hours!  Jayden would have probably slept LONGER but Mommy had to wake him to feed him before he went to the sitters.  He successfully slept from 12:30 am - 5:30 am!  WAHOOOOOOO!!!!!  Let's hope it's not a fluke and Jayden starts sleeping more at night (:  If his big belly cooperates and doesn't wake him from growling, we should be good to go!  (He only wakes up because he's HUNGRY!)

10/28/08 Tues: LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!

Current Mood: Accomplished

Tonight (after watching dancing with the stars and playing on his floor gym) Jayden had a little tummy time and for the first time kept his head up without help!!!!  Thanks to his little Elmo guitar that Mommy and Daddy picked up at a yard sale for $1.....Jayden was motivated enough to keep his head up while on his tummy!!!!  YEAH!  He's getting so strong!  

Here are also some pics of how coordinated he's getting with reaching for toys.  Pretty soon he'll be able to hold them in his hands!  What a big boy Jayden is becoming!!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

10/25/08 Sat: PARTY!

Current Mood: Festive!

Today was Jayden's cousin Chance's birthday party and he chose to have a Halloween dress up party for the event. Mommy and Jayden dressed up and here we are at the party! Jayden wasn't cooperating much for picture time, but we did manage to get a front and back of his pumpkin costume. Mommy was a redneck farmer that picked her little punkin from the pumpkin patch (:

Jayden won a ribbon for cutest costume! He doesn't need a ribbon to tell him he's cute....he just KNOWS he is and works that angle every chance he gets!

Monday, October 20, 2008

10/19/08 Sun: FIRST JUICE!!


This evening Jayden got his first taste of juice!  Apple juice to be exact.  Jayden's doctor said he could start drinking some juice, as long as it was watered down baby apple or cherry juices.  So Mommy watered down an apple juice and we sat on the couch together for this monumental event!  At first Jayden had this puzzled look on his face, but as soon as he realized what a sweet treat the juice was he TORE UP THAT BOTTLE!  Mommy tried taking it out of his mouth and he was NOT happy about that!  He loved his apple juice, that's for sure!  Maybe next time we'll try cherry and see how that goes!

10/18/08 Sat: Family Get-together

Current Mood: Social

Our family on Jayden's Grandmother O's side got together for an afternoon social.  Cousins came in from New Jersey and Tennessee, as well as Grandma/Grandpa O, Great Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie K and cousin Chance and one of Mommie's Aunt and Uncle.  Jayden was quite the social butterfly and had a smile on his face the entire day.  He even got to help Auntie K play Uno!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

10/14/08 Tues: I FOUND MY FEET & Dancing!

Current Mood: Mesmerized

Tonight Jayden was sitting on Mommy's lap and suddenly realized he had feet! He was grabbing at them and just staring while his little toes were wiggling. It was the cutest thing to witness. He must have been staring at them for a good half of an hour!

Before the great foot discovery by explorer Jayden, Mommy and Jayden were dancing while making dinner. (actually Mommy was trying to keep Jayden occupied because it was also HIS dinner time and Mommy was JUST about done making her dinner!) The radio was playing and the song "Born to be my baby" by Bon Jovi came on and Mommy sang it to Jayden while we danced in the livingroom waiting for the oven timer to go off. Mommy changed the words a little though...he he

And I'll never let go cause
There's something I know deep inside

You were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your MOM

We got something to believe in
Even if we don't know where we stand
Only God would know the reasons
But I bet he must have had a plan
Cause you were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your MOM!

10/12/08 Sun: Meeting my girlfriend

Current Mood: Love Struck!

Today Jayden gets to meet his girlfriend!  She was born on Thursday and her name is Alexis.  She's the daughter to good friends of Mommy and Daddy and they all joke that we'll be married some day.  Well, you never know.....but first impressions are so important so Jayden got all dressed up and even has a rose to give her!  

Mommy thinks Alexis liked the gesture, but Alexis's Daddy questioned Jayden's intentions on camera.  Mommy and Daddy had to convince him that all intentions were good and Jayden would be on his best behavior!  Jayden seemed very interested in little one (:

10/11/08 Sat: Look at my TRACTOR!

Current Mood: Excited!

Mommy's GOOD friend Tammy from Virginia sent a special gift for Jayden. His very own John Deere onesie! Mommy and Daddy came up with a plan for a great picture based on that gift. There is a John Deere tractor at Daddy's work, so Saturday afternoon Jayden was all dressed up and ready to go! What's really funny is when Mommy zoomed in on the pictures at home, it was realized that Jayden was doing the "ROCK ON" hand gesture while on the tractor!

Jayden had a blast and the pictures turned out so cute. Tammy was tickled over the results!

Another milestone was crossed too! Thursday night/Friday morning Jayden played with a toy for the first time! Auntie K bought a stacking star toy that lights up and plays music. Jayden loves to watch Mommy and Daddy stack and unstack the stars while the lights put him into a trance! This time Daddy was playing with them and Jayden actually reached his hand over to the stars and spun them on the peg a few times! He also tried grabbing and holding onto one of the stars! Mommy should have had the camcorder going but she was having too much fun watching.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

10/9/08 Thurs: SHOTS!

Current Mood: sympathetic

Mommy feels so bad for putting little man through shots, but they are a necessary evil. Jayden was a trooper though and only cried when he got them. THANK GOODNESS shot are combined now! They just combined them and one was in an oral form, so we went from having to get 5 shots at once to one oral and two actual shots. Jayden cried, then after he got dressed he was all smiles again.

As you can see, now he's passed out sleeping and probably glad that is all over with!

He now weighs a whopping 11 lbs. 12 oz and is 24 1/4 inches long! He's SPROUTING! My little man is growing so fast. I hope he stays little a little longer. It's nice to see him grow but Mommy wants him to always be her little man!

Doctor is extremely pleased with how well Jayden is growing! He also said that we can give him his first taste of juice if we want to, but we have to use baby juice and water it down to half juice half water. He also was very happy that Mommy was still sticking it out with breastfeeding and said it would be great if Mommy could keep it up till he was a year old. If Mommy's body cooperates, we'll go for it! Well, it may have to be bottle fed once the teeth start coming out! EEK!

10/8/08 Wed: Check Out My Picture!

Current Mood: **yawn**

Finally took a picture of little man with his name sign that Grammy and Pappy had made for him.  Mommy loves the look on Jayden's face.  He looks almost like he's going to stick his pinky in his mouth and give that look like the Evil Doctor in the Austin Powers movie!  He's up to SOMETHING, or thinking something sneaky!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10/7/08 Tues: Love my Baby Boy

There are no words to express how much you mean to me,
A son as beautiful as you, I thought could never be.

On the day you were born, we both knew,
God sent us a blessing, and that blessing is you.

For this we thank Him every day,
We love you without end Jayden, in every way.

It is because of you that my life has meaning,
Becoming a Mom has shown me a new sense of being.

I want you to know that you were the purpose of our life,
Out of everything we did, it was YOU that we most definitely did right.

For a Son like you there could be no other, and whether we are together or apart,
Please do not EVER forget that you will ALWAYS have the biggest piece of our heart.

10/6/08 Mon: 1 week down, more to go

Current Mood: Tired

Well, we got one week down for work/sitter.  Jayden did fantastic and I wish I could say the same for Mommy.  Here is a picture Manny sent on her cell phone today while Jayden was at the park.  He was obviously having a great time!  

Mommy is still a mess every morning.  Usually after hugging Jayden and nearly squeezing him in half and giving him MASSIVE amounts of kisses, tearfully Mommy puts him in the car seat for his journey to a fun filled day with Manny.  Mommy calls or visits over lunch to see how little man is doing, and as always, he's fine.

The weekend went way too fast.  Mommy didn't give Daddy much Jayden time.  Yes, Mommy was being VERY selfish, but someday Jayden will want to hang out with Daddy more so Mommy is taking advantage of it now while the getting it good!  

Jayden is still wanting to eat every two hours so Friday Daddy put a little rice cereal in some formula and VIOLA, we got 3 hours of straight sleep!  Ahhh, that felt good, and Jayden did great.  This might be a nightly ritual now that Mommy is back to work.

Let's hope this week goes FAST!  WEEKEND AHOY!!!!! 

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