Thursday, August 28, 2008

8/4/08 Mon: First Dr. Appt.

Current Mood: Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Starting today Grammy is staying with us for the week. THANK GOODNESS because Mommy needs all the help she can get. Talk about SORE! OUCH! Thank God for super Grammy!!!! Grammy slept on the couch along with Mommy to help take care of Jayden. We switched back and forth while Jayden slept in the bassinet. Daddy had to work so the care was on our shoulders during the night and Grammy came through like a superstar!

Our church made us dinner EVERY NIGHT! WOW did that help. In fact, I was hoping someone else could volunteer for more dinners here and there?!?! ANYONE?!?! He he! Having someone provide dinner REALLY helps out because we would all probably be living on poptarts to save time if not for the kind people at the church!

At 3:45pm Jayden had his first ever Pediatrician appointment with Dr. Thomas. Jayden was not a happy camper. For some reason he doesn't like to be naked. Hmmm....well, as long as he stays that way Mommy and Daddy won't have a problem! LOL! The doctor gave the all clear and we set up another appointment for next Monday!

After dinner tonight Daddy took you to our neighbors to show you off and WOW did you get FOUGHT OVER! The women were all over you and all volunteered to help babysit/watch you in the upcoming weeks while Mommy has off leave. You are so lucky Jayden, your cuteness has won you over with all the neighborhood!


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