Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7/28/08 Mon: Appt Results

Current Mood: Very Frustrated

Mommy started her leave today from work because there have been cramps and small contractions. Thought it was best to be able to move around and help things rather than be stuck sitting at a desk for 8 hours. Sitting in place for too long isn't very comfy anymore!

Appt today didn't go as well as hoped. Only 2 cenn dilated, still same amount thinned now for 3 weeks. Had a stress test and Jayden doing very well, very active. Mommy had very very small contractions.....nothing was even felt as far as they go. So......the doctor set up the paperwork for induction Wed night at 8pm. Mommy is NOT happy about this at all, as it could take up to 3 days just to get things started. That wouldn't be an issue, if Mommy could GO HOME for it. But once Mommy goes into the hospital, Mommy is stuck there....so PRAYING once measures are under way to start labor, labor happens and Mommy isn't stuck alone in the hospital for 3 days.


Daddy and Mommy went to the store tonight and walked around, then came home and walked the neighborhood for another hour or so. Mommy is reallllllyyyy getting tired of all this walking. Wish it would help move things along before wednesday!


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