Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4/11/09 Sat: First Easter Egg Hunt!

Current Mood: Accomplished

Today at 4pm our local fire station held a free Easter egg hunt complete with the Easter bunny! Mommy and Daddy were not sure how Jayden would do, but he surprised us both! Mommy assisted Jayden by holding him up because he's still not able to stand/walk on his own. He stepped right on over to the eggs and bent over himself to pick them up! Then when Mommy would show him the basket, he would drop them right in! He ended up grabbing 6 eggs! Inside the eggs were treats that Mommy and Daddy had to split, but TWO of the eggs had prize tickets inside! We turned them in at the counter and Jayden got 4 boats for bath time and a plastic dinosaur! He was thrilled! Then we got the Easter bunny to hold Jayden for a photo op!
Jayden also got his picture taken on the fire truck! HOW EXCITING!

Later that evening all three of us stopped in to visit family at Great Grandma's house. Daddy thought he forgot the camera so we didn't get to take any picture, but then as we were leaving Daddy realized the camera was in his coat pocket!


a href="http://tickers.families.com">