Sunday, February 22, 2009

2/14/09 Sat: Valentine's Day

Current Mood: Loved
Today is the holiday of Love, VALENTINE'S DAY! Mommy and Daddy helped me pick out cards for them, and even Grammy helped me make a little gift of chocolates for Mommy and Daddy! It's complete with a little I LOVE YOU ribbon, and that's MY signature on the heart!
We had a great day together which consisted of spending quality family time, then Mommy and Daddy got chinese take out and then after dinner we went to Auntie K's house for a little. Chance and Auntie K got Jayden this fun Kung Fu Panda for Valentine's Day! Here is a picture of Jayden having fun with it.
While at Aunti K's, Jayden "found the force" with one of Chance's Star Wars light sabers! Hopefully "the force" won't be TOO strong with this young one. Mommy and Daddy are having a hard enough time keeping up with little man without him having the power to levitate objects!


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