Well, we got one week down for work/sitter. Jayden did fantastic and I wish I could say the same for Mommy. Here is a picture Manny sent on her cell phone today while Jayden was at the park. He was obviously having a great time!
Mommy is still a mess every morning. Usually after hugging Jayden and nearly squeezing him in half and giving him MASSIVE amounts of kisses, tearfully Mommy puts him in the car seat for his journey to a fun filled day with Manny. Mommy calls or visits over lunch to see how little man is doing, and as always, he's fine.
The weekend went way too fast. Mommy didn't give Daddy much Jayden time. Yes, Mommy was being VERY selfish, but someday Jayden will want to hang out with Daddy more so Mommy is taking advantage of it now while the getting it good!
Jayden is still wanting to eat every two hours so Friday Daddy put a little rice cereal in some formula and VIOLA, we got 3 hours of straight sleep! Ahhh, that felt good, and Jayden did great. This might be a nightly ritual now that Mommy is back to work.
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