Tuesday, September 30, 2008

9/29/08 Mon: Back to Work & Sitter

Current Mood: Devistated ):

First day at babysitter for Jayden and first day back to work for Mommy. Mommy was a wreck ever since arriving home from vacation late Saturday night. Mommy knew time with little man was running out and soon she'd have to send him off so she could help Daddy provide for little man's future. There are no words to express how hard this day is. No words. In the past other Mothers have told me how hard this day would be, and Mommy would have never imagined it to be quite as bad as it was explained. It's a feeling that cuts deep to your soul as only a Mother would understand. It's the end of a life changing stage that can never be relived and the beginning of a new adventure.

Mommy had a harder time dealing with today than Jayden! Jayden was very good for miss Manny, and was all smiles when Mommy arrived to pick him up! (Mommy worked through her lunch so she could leave work early just to snuggle with her little man!) Must have been a long day for little man because while Mommy rocked Jayden on the outside porch swing, he passed out cold!

Mommy misses her little man so badly and hopes the weekend comes QUICK!

Since we lost one little soul before Jayden was concieved, Mommy made a pact with herself and God that if we were blessed to get pregnant again and the baby was ok, this time around she would enjoy and record every single moment and not take one second for granted. In a way it's not only to honor the awesome little man Jayden is, but also to honor the memory of the baby that has passed and is anxiously waiting to meet us all some day. Mommy will look back upon this blog and her diary often to remember every small piece of the joy these last 9 months AND 9 weeks together have brought.

9/21-9/27: Family Vacation

Current Mood: Relaxed

Vacation started on the 21st with a late start. Someone decided he had to eat just as we were getting ready to leave. AHEM, I wonder who that could be?! It's ok though, because the drive wasn't so bad since we were traveling on a Sunday. Jayden made the whole trip with only a fussy moment once (feeding time.)

We went to Pine Creek where our family has been going for years. Mommy's parents have been going there since her Daddy was a little boy, and he kept the tradition going with his family. It's so beautiful up there! It's Mommy's favorite vacation spot next to the beach. Mommy and Daddy hope to keep the tradition going by showing Jayden some wonderful vacations there!

We spent the whole week relaxing, eating, relaxing, playing games and eating some more! It was quite cold (as we normally don't wait THIS late to take vacations), but it was a welcome break. We kept warm fireside by Pine Creek while watching the eagle fly overhead and the squirrels and chipmunks fight for fresh chestnuts that just fell off the tree. Most of the rentals were empty and it was even more quiet than normal. (here is a picture of our house, the view from the bike trail beside the house and a few shots of Jayden enjoying the swinging chair.)

From the pictures you can tell that Jayden was extremely relaxed, even though he caught a touch of Daddy's cold while there. With the combination of it being chilly outside and Jayden having a cold, he didn't get to wear his cool sandles or creek shoes to go into the creek with! So we took pics of him wearing them just so he can say he DID have them on during vacation!

We made all our food fresh and even had home made pot pie one night! Mmmmm. Jayden seemed to like watching us roll the noodles out.

The trip wouldn't be complete without a STORY so here it goes. Daddy and Mommy were outside by the creek just enjoying the scenery. Mommy was down by the water taking pictures while Daddy was up the hill throwing chestnuts into the creek. Daddy thought it would be HILARIOUS if he threw chestnuts near the water where Mommy was taking pictures in an attempt to soak Mommy. Daddy threw a chestnut (see picture for the SIZE of these things) and it hit a tree, bounced off and THWACKED MOMMY IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD! It hurt so bad it brought tears to Mommy's eyes! Daddy brained Mommy and he felt sooooo bad. Mommy milked that one for all it was worth! This story was added in case there is damage to Mommy's motor skills in the future.....then there is proof as to WHERE it came from!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

9/20/08 Sat: Vacation Ahoy!

Current Mood: OVERWHELMED!

WOW there is so much to pack when you have a little man! Between diapers and essentials...EEK! Mommy took a pic of the diapers......do you think we have enough? I HOPE! Jayden is in between sizes so we packed two sizes worth!

We are going to the mountains for a week and the nearest store is over an hour away and who knows if they have diapers! (baby is LUCKY because when Mommy used to take vacations with the family when she was a little girl the nearest store was about a 2 hour drive!!!!! And it had SQUAT! LOL!) We may have to resort to leaves and twigs! Or maybe we'll just throw Jayden in Pine Creek and wash him off every two hours! Mommy and Daddy have been feverishly packing all day long and look at little man.....just sleeping away the time!
Must be nice!!!!!!!!!! He's all relaxed while Mommy is in a panic hoping she has everything known to man kind that he may need! I'm sure we'll have LOTS of fun pics to post when we get back! We are leaving bright and early Sunday morning..........and Mommy is sure Jayden will keep us on a schedule! Mommy will try to post pics when we get back! Tonight is MOMMY TIME with Jayden! OH YEAH! Mommy gets Jayden all to herself for feedings and cuddles because Daddy is driving tomorrow the 4+ hours it takes to get to the mountains and needs his sleep tonight. THAT IS FINE WITH MOMMY! This is one of the last nights Mommy gets baby boy to herself before she goes back to (ARF) work!!!!!!!!!!!! See you in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

9/12 & 14 Fri/Sun: Rockin & Knoebels

Current Mood: HOT HOT HOT!

Friday night was quite fun! Daddy was having a hard time getting Jayden to sleep, so he sat him in his lap in front of the computer and played some music to calm him down. Jayden was not all that into the selections Daddy was picking. I guess piano music wasn't what he was craving. So Daddy then tried some dance/techno. Jayden liked that! But the one that Jayden liked the MOST was when Daddy put on some metal. Jayden actually put his one arm up in the air and started pumping his fist like he was at a concert! Mommy managed to get a little of it on tape before he stopped (not the BEST part of course...argh!) I'll post it on here when I get it converted. It's too cute!

Sunday was Jayden's first trip to Knoebels. The family along with Auntie K and Cousin Chance spent the day there for Daddy's company picnic. It was a beautiful day out but EXTREMELY hot and humid. Everyone felt like they had melted five times over! Jayden was practically stripped down to a shirt by the end of the day, but he had fun. Mommy really wanted to get him on the carousel for a ride, but since the stroller was packed down with half the house in tow Mommy and Daddy didn't want to leave it sit unattended while we got on the ride together. Daddy did manage to take a picture of Mommy and little man in front of Mommy's favorite ride in the park. It's been a favorite since she was a little girl and used to go to the park with her Great Grandmother.

9/10/08 Wed: Did you HEAR that?!

Current Mood: Grossed out!

OK I have to devote at least a LITTLE mention about this phenomenon or I couldn't live with myself. Actually I'd love to capture this on video only so that I could PROVE it's existence.
I have never in my entire life imagined for one second that such a tiny frail little body could produce such enormously LOUD bouts of gas. I'm not talking cute giggle inducing poots, we are talking full fledged Mount St. Helen's eruptions that could only be reproduced by a man who consumed 4 chili dogs, a vat of chili and a six pack of carbonated beverage. There are times after these monumental explosions where I fully expect to take off Jayden's diaper and find he successfully blew off his tiny butt cheeks and they are hanging on by a thin thread to the rest of his body.
The other night his rumblings were so loud in his bed that it woke us up out of a deep sleep around 3 am and his Dad said out loud WHAT WAS THAT?! As I scooped him up to do a diaper check, I fully expected little man to be turned inside out from that nuclear blast! Luckily it was just a false alarm with a "streak" and once the diaper was replaced Jayden peacefully went back to sleep (:

9/8/08 Mon: AHHH HELP!

Current Mood: Scared!

Another one of Jayden's little pranks is one that seriously creeps Mommy out. Mommy has told Daddy that Jayden likes to give her these completely creepy horror movie type stares very late at night when it's just the two of us. Daddy never believes it. Well now, Mommy has proof. Look at the picture and tell me this isn't a little unsettling to see when the lights are out and you are alone together at 2am?!!? This is what I affectionately call the "chlidren of the corn" stare. And yes, he does this often and only seems to do it for MOMMY when we are alone in the middle of the night. Sometimes Mommy thinks he's asleep and looks down in her arms to check and THIS is what is staring back at me. Then Mommy looks away and looks back and Jayden is fast asleep with eyes closed. Mommy imagines it's the look Jayden gives right before his head starts spinning around in circles and a green pea soup type substance starts spewing forth from his mouth!!!! EEK!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Current Mood: Excited!!

Well today Daddy decked you all out in your Eagle's gear (even though it was all too big for you!) and we took some pics before the game. Jayden is so cute in his football battle gear! He must have been a little less than excited about the first game of the season, because he fell asleep right after Daddy put his hat on. He did manage to watch a little of the game between feedings and napping.

Jayden was good luck for the team because they won and won BIG!


9/6/08 Sat: Who Do I Look Like?

Current Mood: Joyful!

Grammy showed a pic of when Mommy was a baby and said Jayden looks just the same, hair and all! So Mommy decided to root around and find Daddy's newborn pic and put the three together.
What do you think? I think Jayden has Mommy's nose and mouth and Daddy's chin and face shape, and the eyes are a combination of the two. (DADDY IS ON THE LEFT AND MOMMY IS ON THE RIGHT)

This evening Jayden went to the York Fair for the first time! Mommy would have taken a picture but it was rainy out and we didn't think we'd be there long. We went right when the rain broke and only to grab a bite to eat. But the rain stayed away so we walked around a little. "A Little" being the key words here. The York Fair is a shell of what it used to be back when Mommy and Daddy were kids. It's gotten smaller and smaller and more expensive to go every year. It's not the same as it once was and that makes us sad. But you enjoyed it for the little bit that you were awake! We took you in to see the baby pigs and horses and you passed out. Well, at least you will get a taste of the fair food in about 3 hours after Mommy processes them and they are mixed in her milk! Enjoy that smoked turkey sandwich, Kohrs orange drink and fried veggies with horseradish sauce! Mmmmmmm!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

9/5/08 Fri: 3rd Dr. Appt and SHOTS!

Current Mood: (Jayden) SORE!

Poor little man had his first round of shots today. Thankfully it was just ONE but that was enough. Daddy couldn't make it along to the appointment today because of work so Jayden's Auntie K came along for support. Poor guy S-C-R-E-A-M-E-D when he got his little shot. Mommy felt SO BAD! That was a dirty trick and Mommy felt horribel for it.
Good news though is Jayden is progressing right along where he needs to be! He's now 9 pounds 14 ounces and 22 inches long! He's sprouting like a little weed! Doctor was very impressed with his motor skills and how strong he is getting too. When you hold him up he can nearly hold his head up already! He's doing so good (:

Not looking forward to the next appointment. That's when Little J gets multiple shots! Mommy will have to bring some tissues along for that one. Hopefully Daddy will be able to make that appointment to help calm little man.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

9/3/08 Wed: Reality Check & Chats with Stuffed Animals

Current Mood: Sad

Well, reality finally hit Mommy and she had a melt down today. Jayden got lots of extra loving hugs and attention today. (not that he gets any less from day to day, Mommy dearly loves having her little man with her all day long!)

Mommy got slapped in the face with reality today because upon looking at the calendar she realized that in a little over 3 weeks this beloved part of our Mother and Son daily journey of being home together will be over. Mommy is having a very VERY hard time dealing with this. (Dare I say I'm even considering selling my organs on the black market to make enough money to be able to stay home!)

Mommy hates to have to cart Jayden off to daycare, even though he will be very well taken care of there. Mommy is going to be an absolute WRECK going back to work. Jayden will be missed so badly. VERY BADLY! We are talking immense here...lol. (Oh my poor co-workers. I shall warn them upon my return that everyone needs to be well stocked in tissues!)

Mommy jokes with Daddy that he needs to hurry and win the lottery so she can stay home with little man all the time. Mommy waited so long for little man to come, that she doesn't want to miss anything. Mommy doesn't want some "other" person telling her about a milestone that was hit while she was stuck at work. Nobody can rock little man to sleep like Mommy. Nobody can sing the little off key songs that Mommy sings. Nobody can kiss away a tear, or hold a hand, or rub a back, or make goofy silly faces like Mommy can. And Mommy doesn't want anyone else to take over any of those Mommy duties! Even though millions of people have kids and go back to work every day, now Mommy understands how completely and utterly heartbreaking it is for so many. **sigh**

OK, now onto the cute pics above! Jayden is getting more active and alert so today we played with some stuffed animals. He loves the little dino because it makes this RARRRRRR noise that makes his eyes go as big as saucers! In the one picture it looks like mister puppy dog and Jayden have some kind of deal to jointly attack Mommy with kisses when she least expects it! Or maybe they are just both going to pee at the same time so Mommy has a nice mess. Yeah, the second one is probably truer....lol.

9/1/08 Mon: First Wedding

Current Mood: Blessed

Today Jayden attended his first wedding at Lauxmont Farms. It was a beautiful day and Jayden did very well! The only time he got fussy was, you guessed it, DINNER TIME! He was due to eat around 3-ish and that's when the ceremony was to take place in the Japanese Gardens. Well, forgetful Mom left the bottle in the diaper bag at the reception tent so just when the bridesmaids started coming through the gardens Jayden decided he was going to be fussy. Rather than risk an entire ceremony of banshee like screams, Mommy ran to the tent to get the bottle. Funny thing is there was another newborn there who was 2 weeks younger than Jayden and it apperantly was HER dinner time as well! Her Daddy snuck off to the back of the gardens with her to console her and so did Jaydend's Daddy....lol. (Secretly we think Jayden had that planned all along because he noticed a cute looking hottie his age in the same area and this was his chance to meet her in person!)

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