Current Mood: Amazed
You and Elmo had some fun time this morning. Ever since Daddy introduced you to Tickle Me Elmo, you are just in AWE of him! You love to put your little arm out and feel him laugh and move! I think your favorite part is his big eyes! This is just one of many pics of you two having fun mornings together!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
8/25/08 Mon: Elmo Love
Posted by Jayden Michael at 4:42 PM 0 comments
8/20/08 Wed: First REAL Bath!
Current Mood: Spazzy!
Well since Jayden's extra parts fell off the last couple of days, we are now allowed to give him a REAL bath. So today was the first tub bath! Daddy always likes to do bath duty so Mommy just sits back and holds the towel. Jayden LOVED being in the water and didn't want to get out! (I had to block off the one picture to make it a G!)
We had to make baby smell all good for tomorrow because Grammy and Pop Pop are going to babysit for an hour or so, so that Mommy and Daddy can go out to eat for their 15th wedding anniversary!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 4:25 PM 0 comments
8/19/08 Tues: Jayden's Treasures
Current Mood: INFATUATED!
Mommy wanted to list a few of the sweet things that makes her fall in love with baby even more every day.
1) The way Jayden stares into your eyes when you hold him. It's like he can read your soul. It's easy to see how content he is and how safe he feels. His eyes were blue when he was born, and have since turned to a brownish green. Grammy thinks they will turn back to blue, we'll see! Mommy wonders what baby thinks about when he gazes so long into everyone's eyes. He's probably thinking "When's the next feeding?" but Mommy would like it think it's a little deeper than that!
2) When Mommy feeds Jayden, Mommy supports the back of his head with her hand. Jayden likes to reach his one hand back to Mommy's hand and wrap his little hand around Mommy's thumb, giving it a little squeeze every so often. The other hand is usually beside his face all open up and to the side as if to say YUM!!!!! ADORABLE!
3) Late at night after Jayden is done feeding he lays in Mommy's arms with eyes closed and ever so quickly shows these little open mouth smiles. It appears that Jayden is going to let out this hardy belly laugh but none ever come. Sometimes though a little giggle escapes his mouth and no matter how tired Mommy is from lack of sleep, it still puts a smile on Mommy's face.
4) It's so cute to see how curious Jayden is. His favorite thing to when we sit on the couch is stare at the ceiling fan, or a picture as if to ponder what or why it exsists. Sometimes he doesn't blink for long periods of time like he's utterly focused!
5) Love how Jayden still curls his little legs up like he's still in the womb. He looks like a little ball and it's just so cute to see.
6) Sometimes when Jayden is staring at someone's face, he looks cross eyed!
7) MOMMY LOVES JAYDEN'S LITTLE LEMUR FEET! They are big and his toes are long. His toes are so long they can grasp and hold onto fingers! And if you tickle them, each toe goes into a different direction for a split second!
8) When Jayden sneezes a couple times in a row, he will then let out this really loud AHHHHHH like a sneeze was coming and quickly left. Of course we try to capture that on tape and never can!
9) When we hold Jayden up against our shoulder to burp him he tries so hard to hold his little head up. What ends up happening is sometimes his little head goes forward and back over and over and he resembles a little woodpecker! Of course in the meantime your shoulder gets soaked, or he turns his head to your neck and he tries to give you a hickey!
10) When Mommy puts Jayden on his Baby Einstien play gym on the table his eyes are always attracted to the verticle blinds that blow in the wind of the open window. They make a clacking noise and the sun shines in on Jayden and he just loves watching them while kicking his little feet!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 4:10 PM 0 comments
8/18/08 Mon: Say Goodbye to the Cord!
Curernt Mood: HUNGRY!
When Daddy and Mommy were changing you today we noticed the last of your cord fell off today and in it's place was the cutest belly button known to man! Well, at least WE think it's the cutest!!!! And if we say it, it has to be so! We found the last bit stuck in your outfit and promptly threw that in the garbage.
Posted by Jayden Michael at 4:07 PM 0 comments
8/15/08 Fri: Hospital Visit & Acne!
Current Mood: Content
Poor baby! Today Jayden's skin errupted into acne that even a teen would cringe over! It's not something Clearasil will clearn up, it's due to the hormones left over from being in Mommy's belly. Hopefully those mini blotches will be short lived and Jayden didn't inherit Mommy's bad skin!
At lunch Mommy and Jayden made a visit to the hospital to talk to Nurse Wendy the lactation specialist. Had to chat a bit about some breastfeeding issues. Jayden seemed to enjoy the visit back to the maternity ward. Hard to believe it's been two weeks already since Jayden made his first appearance there! Time flies!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 4:02 PM 0 comments
8/12/08 Tues: First Laugh
Current Mood: Joyful
Well technically it was probably GAS but we're taking anything we can get! This morning at 6:30 am Jayden laughed in his sleep. It was so funny because he has yet to smile or laugh while awake. He's been smiling in his sleep since day two in the hospital, but this is the first time anything vocal was heard.
Can't wait to see an INTENTIONAL smile that doesn't have a pending booper or belch behind it (:
Posted by Jayden Michael at 3:51 PM 0 comments
8/11/08 Mon: 2nd Dr. Appt
Current Mood: Content
Daddy took today and tomorrow off to spend a couple good family days together with Jayden and Mommy. It's just so incredible to be able to say that....FAMILY days. We've always been a family, but now we have a trio instead of a duo (plus pets (: ). It's amazing just looking forward to the future and relishing in each and every day of this journey. We are not taking anything for granted! Even the not so fun times are great! Each day we see Jayden grow before our very eyes and though we look forward to each new milestone, we can't help but hope this stage isn't too fast in passing.
Jayden had his second appointment today and he's doing outstanding. He's not only gained back the weight he lost from birth, but gained more. He's eating like a little lumberjack! He's managed to gain 11 ounces and now weight a whopping 7 pounds 14 ounces! And talk about a growth spurt....Jayden also managed to grow 1/2 inch in ONE WEEK! That's a little TOO fast for Mommy's taste. Mommy wants Jayden to stay her little snuggle bug, even though she knows that's a tall order to ask for (:
Posted by Jayden Michael at 3:41 PM 0 comments
8/9/08 Sat:: SO CUTE!
Current Mood: Amazed
So today J started the cutest thing. When he sneezes, he usually sneezes two or three times. After he's done, he does a mock sneeze and they yells AHHHHHHH! It's so freaking cute! Of course Mommy tries to get it on tape and NOPE, no such luck. One of these days I'll get ya!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 12:12 PM 0 comments
8/7/08 Thurs: HAPPY 1 WEEK BIRTHDAY!
Current Mood: Happy!
Happy 1 week Birthday Jayden! Grammy and Mommy sang happy birthday to J at 11:30am this morning! He was all smiles and pretty
Posted by Jayden Michael at 12:02 PM 0 comments
8/6/.08 Wed: First Puppy Kiss!
Current Mood: Awe
At 10:20am your furry Brother Duce gave you your first kiss and it melted Mommy's heart.
Duce has been kind of oblivious to Jadyen since we brought him home. He knows he's there and always keeps a watchful eye. When J cries, Duce comes running and sits by his side. Sometimes he looks at J as if to say "It will be ok little man!". He is always on sentinal duty and guards with an iron paw! But other than that, Duce sniffs but keeps a small distance from little man.
Today was different. Today Mommy was sending a J picture via e-mail to Daddy at work (as she always does so Daddy has his Jayden fix every morning) and Duce came right up and sniffed as usual. Mommy put J down closer to Duce so he could investigate. J put his hand down to Duce and Duce took the cue and gave J a big ol' kiss on the arm/hand. It was the cutest thing ever! Then Duce got back to the business fo guarding little J and patroled the kitchen. What a good older "furry" brother J has!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 11:56 AM 0 comments
8/5/08 Tues: Another Milestone
Current Mood: Giddy!
Today Jayden's Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather came to visit. J was quite happy to be snuggled up in their arms and loved the attention. J was sleeping through most of it! Great Grandfather told Mommy she had to teach J how to do the Hogan's Heroes dance like Mommy used to do when she was little! That's a tall order but Mommy thinks she can manage it!
Today J had another funny, yet memorable milestone. Today J had the trifecta of orifice explosions! Now, loving potty humor as much as Mommy does....and keeping stories for possible blackmail in the future when J is a teen.....this story had to be told!
Mommy and Grammy smelled something "wrong" in J's diaper. Upon inspection we found quite the care package! So as Mommy was changing J, J decided he wasn't quite finished! So thankfully Mommy had a wetnap in hand and was catching the extra poo as it was coming out. It was like playing with a Playdough Fun Factory! While Mommy was doing that, J started spouting vomit like old faithful and Grammy screamed and ran to the offending orifice! Just as Grammy was attending the geiser, another geiser unfolded. Oh yes, mount PEE started...and with quite the force! J managed to spray not only the entire wall, but nearly hit the picture hanging above the changing table! WOW that was some aim!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 11:46 AM 0 comments
8/4/08 Mon: First Dr. Appt.
Current Mood: Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starting today Grammy is staying with us for the week. THANK GOODNESS because Mommy needs all the help she can get. Talk about SORE! OUCH! Thank God for super Grammy!!!! Grammy slept on the couch along with Mommy to help take care of Jayden. We switched back and forth while Jayden slept in the bassinet. Daddy had to work so the care was on our shoulders during the night and Grammy came through like a superstar!
Our church made us dinner EVERY NIGHT! WOW did that help. In fact, I was hoping someone else could volunteer for more dinners here and there?!?! ANYONE?!?! He he! Having someone provide dinner REALLY helps out because we would all probably be living on poptarts to save time if not for the kind people at the church!
At 3:45pm Jayden had his first ever Pediatrician appointment with Dr. Thomas. Jayden was not a happy camper. For some reason he doesn't like to be naked. Hmmm....well, as long as he stays that way Mommy and Daddy won't have a problem! LOL! The doctor gave the all clear and we set up another appointment for next Monday!
After dinner tonight Daddy took you to our neighbors to show you off and WOW did you get FOUGHT OVER! The women were all over you and all volunteered to help babysit/watch you in the upcoming weeks while Mommy has off leave. You are so lucky Jayden, your cuteness has won you over with all the neighborhood!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 11:39 AM 0 comments
8/3/08 Sun: First Night/Day Home
Current Mood: Exhausted/Elated
Wow was it a rough first night. Apperantly Mommy's milk didn't fully come in due to the induction so Jayden was very fussy and cried non-stop all night into Sunday morning. Finally gave in and gave Jayden formula and found out we had to suppliment till the milk comes in full force. Poor baby.
Jayden had a couple milestones today. He had his first spongebath (see pics) and he was not having any of that! He looked cute in the towel but hated the process before that. Daddy did a fantastic job though so kudos to him!
Another milestone.....Jayden peed on his Auntie K for the first time today! It was a stealth one too! She barely knew she had been hit and had to sak me if I saw it. It was a quick squirt that
was little more than what a tiny squirt gun could produce! Jayden was all smiles and it was pretty funny. Now we know better to cover up the vital parts when changing a diaper!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
7/31/08 Thurs: Birth Story
Current Mood: Great mix of exhaustion and extreme happiness!!
OK I finally can get to this computer for a little and here's the birth story! (BTW isn't the pic above awesome? Grammy bought roses for Mommy, Daddy and Jayden. A salmon one for Mommy and Daddy and a white one for Jayden with a card that says "Thank you for my beautiful Grandson! All my love, Mom" I had to take a pic of Jayden with his first ever rose! He was sleeping and looked so peaceful....I thought this pic turned out great!
NOW ONTO THE GOOD STUFF! Well, for YOU to READ...ha ha....
On Wed I was pretty sad most of the day. I was excited to finally get to meet little man but couldn't help feel bad that we were "forcing" him out. He was already over a week late and the doctor didn't want to wait any longer. I was also sad because I knew this was the last day I'd feel little man inside of me kicking and moving. Oh how much I've grown to love and look forward to feeling those little jabs and squirms. I'd miss them!
Arrived around 8 at the hospital and was given a hormone strip to try to make thinning progress. Had to lay still for 2 hours to let it take effect. We ended up going to sleep around midnight.
I woke up around 2am with some cramping and used the bathroom. It started progressing after that. Sometime around 3am the real labor started. At that point my hubby parked himself right next to the bed and spent the next 5 hours talking me through the breathing. Hubby was AWESOME! He stuck by me the entire time, working through each contraction from start to finish!!!! I coudn't have asked for a better coach! He admited later how hard it was to see me go through that, but he kept so strong through it. He was my rock for sure, and kept me going when I was to exhausted to go on.
People who don't have kids yet asked me how "the experience" was. Let me tell you one thing......labor was worse than anything I could have ever imagined. I have a high tolerance for pain, but dang...this was pain like no other. Contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart and so painful that it took my breath completely away. The peaks of the contractions were at the highest point they could have gone, and I still had a very long way to go.
I was checked about 7am and was told we were only 3 cm dilated. EEK! Checked again around 8 and was only 4. Seeing this was a slow go, I asked how much longer this hard labor would last and was told it could be at least another 10-12 hours. Now, if it were another two or three, MAYBE I could have hung through it. But 10-12 was terrifying given the pain. I waited a little and then finally realized there was no way I was going to be able to pull another 10-12 like that. The doctors were concerned that the pain was too much for me, as I was not able to breath through my contractions properly and was so tense that things were slowing. They kept suggesting I just go for the epi and not count it as a faliure because I didn't go totally natural. I finally gave in and asked for one. Wait, more like BEGGED for one!
Hubby called my Mom and she came to help out. My Mom took over hubbys place for a while and helped with the breathing/coaching. At 9am was told we were 7 cm dilated and then Aunti K was rushing to get to the hospital! By around 10:45am we had gone to 10 cm! They went to get the doctor because it was soon time for Jayden to make his entrance!
I was feeling better from the epi but still had hard contractions to go through! Believe me, they were easier with the epi, but still hard! I always thought an epi would totally take away the pain but it doesn't!
Finally the doctor showed up to check my progress and was very upset because I was NOT fully dilated as she had been told, and Jayden wasn't even in the full birthing station!!!! Jayden's heart rate was going up and down and they were very concerned so the doctor decided we had to do this now or never. She gave us a window to get this done naturally and if baby's heartrate kept suffering, we'd have to get an emergancy c section.
The doctor checked me and found out that Jayden was facing the wrong way! So she went inside and turned him back the right position. A few minutes later Jayden flipped again, and again doctor flipped him back. A THIRD TIME he flipped over and the doctor AGAIN went inside and flipped him back! OUCH! SO GLAD MOMMY HAD AN EPI!
Finally it was time to push. I was told I had to not only push baby the rest of the way through the canal, but also still had to push him out on top of that. It seemed I had been pushing forever but in reality it was 45 minutes. I was pushing with all my might from the first push because of the amount of distance Jayden had to travel. With every push the doctor thought more and more we'd have to go to the ER. Everyone was crying, we didn't want to give up after all this! Thankfully the doctor didn't want to give up either and she kept me in a zone! She assisted Jayden in moving down. We would stop here and there because the heart rate was so spuratic. At this point we had a couple specialists in the room observing and ready to check baby for any issues. It was quite scary!
Finally doctor decided she'd need to use **gasp** forcepts to get baby out. NOOO!!!!! Two doctors were needed to pull little man out. I ended up needing cut to make room for all of this! I pushed so hard I hurt myself in more ways than one....OUCH!!!!!!!! Everyone said they thought my head would pop clean off because of how hard I was pushing. My Mom was helping push up one leg while hubby was at the other and my sister was busy at her head trying to calm me down and help focus. Everyone in the room kept screaming PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH!!!! What an experience!
Finally at 11:30 am Jayden made his appearance!!!!!!!! He came out screaming and my heart LEAPED!!!! I was so relived to hear that little voice!! Since his heart rate was so low, they just had enough time to let hubby cut the cord and Jayden was whisked off to the specialists. It seemed like FOREVER till they got done with him. Everyone was estatic and crying with happiness! I just stared at the little heating table watching doctors and nurses rush to gather around little man. Every so often I would catch a glimpse of an arm or leg. I must have had the biggest smile on my face as one by one the doctors gave their ok and walked out of the room. I laid there watching his little arms and legs just moving around while he just stared at everyone around him. They finally bundled him up and gave him to me and my heart just melted right then and there. I put that memory up there along with the one of seeing my soon to be hubby's face as I walked down the aisle before we wed. It's most definitely one of the best experiences I've ever had.
Hubby and I stayed at the hospital till saturday because Jayden and I had so much trauma from the birth. Poor little guy was full of amniotic fluid in lungs and stomach. He kept throwing up so much, and couldn't keep food down. Poor thing had to get his stomach and airways pumped out the next day. But he got through it like a trooper and Saturday evening all three of us were at home safe and sound.
Things are going great so far! Little man is such a calm and happy baby. He's just doing wonderful! And we are completely, utterly, head over heels in LOVE!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
7/31/08 Thurs: HE IS HERE!
Current Mood: WOW, there are no words!
Isn't he beautiful? He's the sweetest thing too! Makes me wonder WHY we didn't have a baby sooner. We had QUITE a delivery. Poor little man had a lot to go through, and Mommy too! Daddy was AMAZING and really was the best labor coach EVER! If it wasn't for his support I would have never been able to go through what I did. (I can say the same for my family as well!!) But it was all SO worth it in the end, and I'd do it again without hesitation if I had to! I know it's cliche but they say you forget about the pain and what you went through when you see your baby's face. I can agree to that being a 100% true statement, at least for me anyway.
I PROMISE I'll be posting more details, pictures and videos once I am healed a little more. I haven't even had time to collect my thoughts and record all the details of the last few days events. In fact, we just got released from the hospital Saturday afternoon and today (Sunday) is the first day I've even been near the computer....and I'm not supposed to be sitting straight up for long periods of time. So I'll do a quick post to update everyone and provide the birth story and details in a week or so when I am healed up a little better.
Please forgive me everyone, as I am sorry I haven't been responding to e-mails. As I said, I have a lot of healing to do and currently am *ahem* just a tad busy with little man (: Check back in a week or so to see more pics, vids and the birth story! Now I gotta go give our little man some Mommy kisses!
Here are some pics to tide you over till then!
Posted by Jayden Michael at 12:36 PM 1 comments