Monday, June 30, 2008

6/30/08 Mon: Weekly Appt

Current Mood: Euphoric

Today's appointment went well. Still a fingertip dilated but the difference this time is Mommy is 50% thinned! 21 days away (or less!). Doctor estimated Jayden weighing around 6 pounds, but it was just an estimate.

Mommy shouldn't have eaten 3 crabs drenched in Old Bay at a friends this weekend. Because of that dinner, Mommy retained water and gained 7 pounds from last week! Doctor isn't worried and said it should be gone in a day or two. Bad bad Old

Other than that, Jayden is still head down and content with a strong heartbeat. Mommy still hasn't caught Jayden's belly dancing on video yet, but one of these days she'll sneak in on his gynmastics!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

6/28/08 Sat: First contraction felt

Current Mood: Excited

At 4 am on the dot this morning, Mommy had her first official Braxton Hicks contraction! Mommy woke up out of a deep sleep with Jayden just swimming away in there while Mommy's entire belly was ROCK HARD. The contraction lasted for a minute or two and then everything was back to normal. Daddy was excited but gave STRICT instructions to Jayden that they have an understanding that he can not come out to meet us before July 21st. Daddy is hoping Jayden will arrive July 21st because it's the first day of Eagle's training camp and he would consider that a good omen for the upcoming season. He he, not too sure about that, but we'll see if he listens to Daddy!

Mommy is trying to get a belly video of Jayden's gymnastics but every time Mommy grabs the camera to take a video Jayden decides to be camera shy! Hopefully Mommy will be able to catch baby in the act soon and post it!

6/15/08 Sun: Father's Day

Current Mood: Forgetful /:

Ok you can beat me up for having preggo mush brain! I totally forgot to post hubby's first Father's Day present! Duh! Jayden "wrote" a poem for Daddy (with Mommy's help of course) but he was kicking to all the good lines so I knew they were more from baby. *smile* Daddy was very touched and asked if Mommy wrote it herself and Mommy replied that it was all from Jayden, I just knew how to spell (: Here is a pic of the framed poem Mommy put together with Jayden's poem on, and the poem is to follow.


Hello, my awesome Daddy,
On Father’s day I wasn’t sure
what to do.
But because I love you so very much,
these words I wrote for YOU.

(I also feel blessed that I'm so clever,
and have already learned to write and read).

I guess we should really thank Mommy,
and all those ipod songs she plays for me!

And I can sympathize with those writers,
because it can be hard getting your words to rhyme,
but thanks to LL Cool J, Van Halen and NIN,
my music tastes are already in their prime!

By the way, we'll have to stop Duce barking,
actually, he's driving me a little mad,
but I know that he'll be a great big brother,
probably the best any kid has ever had.

And I'm sorry that I took my time,
but you can never control the hands of fate,
but I do know that it will all be worth it,
and all good things happen to those who wait.

Our family has many special
But the most special one I’m looking forward to,
Is the day you finally hold
days to come, me in your arms Daddy.
And I get to wrap my arms around you.

I already admire and look up to you,
I know that you'll always listen and understand,
And with your humor, great strength, love and kindness,
You will raise me to be a GREAT man.
(Just like you!)

Just know that I love you very much,
and I've got one more thing left to say,
I'm grateful for everything that you've done,
and oh yes ! Have a wonderful Father's Day!

It's been hard knowing what to say,
and even though I have been felt but have yet to be seen,
just know that I love you,
all my love, your yet to be named little bean.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

6/24/08 Tues: Start of weekly checkups!

Current Mood: ANXIOUS!

Well today was the first of my weekly check ups! I found out Jayden is right on schedule for the 21st, he's nice and healthy with a strong heart beat...and MOMMY IS FIGNERTIP DILATED ALREADY! EEK! It's right around the corner! You should see Mommy's feet and ankles, or more like KANKLES! They are quite big, so Mommy needs to stay off them as much as possible.

Here is a 36 week pic of how big Mommy is getting!

6/22/08 Sun: Duce getting ready!

Current Mood: TIRED!

Duce is getting all pretty in prep for Jayden's grand entrance! Here you see just how much fur we can get out of him when we comb him. Take into consideration that this is the fur from ONLY ONE SIDE of Duce! Daddy did the other side a few days earlier and got just as much hair from that side. We could use that fur to build another dog!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

6/21/08 Sat: Updated Nursery Photos

Current Mood: TIRED!

Spent the day at home today cleaning up/cleaning carpets and getting ready for the 30 day countdown till Jayden is here!

Here are some updated photos of the finished nursery. He has more clothes than we do! LOL!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

6/14/08 Sat: NAME & 35 Wk Pic!!

Current mood: accomplished

OK, Mommy & Daddy decided on a name!



We both liked Jayden and in Hebrew it means "God has heard". For those who know the troubles we've gone thorugh in the last couple of years, this is very appropriate. The name Michael is Daddy's Dad's name (who no longer is iwth us.)

So now, no more BABY S, now it's JAYDEN!

Also here is a pic at 35 weeks

6/3/08 Tues: Check up today!

Current Mood: calm

Today Mommy had a check up and all was well. My next appointment will be the last bi-weekly one, and we'll be going every week! EEK! Time is ticking away!!!!

Baby is getting BIGGER! Here is a 33 week bump pic of Mommy.

Friday, June 6, 2008

5/30/08 Sat: Surprise Baby Shower!

Current Mood: Blessed

Well today baby had a surprise baby shower! Mommy was TRICKED! Mommy thought her and her Mommy were going shopping all day to snoop at baby things. At the mall we got a call on the cell phone and the pastor of the church wanted us to drop in so Grammy could pick up her paycheck. Grammy asked Mommy to walk in with her so she didn't have to hang out in the car. We walked downstairs and SURPRISE! Then Great Grandfather played a dedication song for Mommy and it was the theme song to Hogan's Heroes and he stood up and had a Hogan's Heroes shirt on that had a picture of Sgt. Shultz and it said "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I KNOW NOTHING!" Mommy started CRYING at that and was very touched.

Here is the story behind the song. When Mommy was a little girl, her Grandfather moved in with her and her parents for a little while. He was a school teacher then, and his favorite thing to do was watch Hogan's Heroes while grading his class papers in the recliner. Whenever the theme song would come on, Mommy would JUMP up in her playpen and jump and dance all over the place to the theme song. This would make Grandfather laugh and laugh and one time he was laughing so hard he tipped the chair back and all his papers were flying all over the room!!!!! So that's always been a favorite memory of Grandfathers, and he hopes someday to see the baby following in Mother's footsteps with that!

Lots of Mommy and Daddy's friends were there. It was so nice. Mostly Mommy and Daddy's fri ends were there, and some of Mommy's family were there also to show support and it was just a very nice day. There was awesome food and punch, and CUPCAKES of made of lemon, strawberry and brownie! We had chicken wraps, ham wraps, lemon pepper cucumber sandwiches, crab dip and crackers, was just so yummy!! And let me tell you, BABY MADE OUT! There are just a few things Mommy and Daddy have to pick up yet, but even today, there are still friends dropping off gifts for the little one!

Here are just a few pics....I won't post them all, lol!

Can you tell I'm not happy about them making me wear a hat?! LOL!

My Mom made this wreath totally out of diapers and toys! And you can take it apart and use the diapers!

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